Mold Terminator Is Now Shield Environmental
Same Locally-Owned Company - Same Clean-Obsessed People
Katrina Parker’s Story
This star of “The Voice” tells how mold made her sick.
Katrina’s Story
In 2008, Katrina Parker began getting sick. The illness continued on a regular basis for two years. Eventually, hidden mold was found in her apartment. After three years of not being on stage, she made her way back into the spotlight for blind auditions of the second season of NBC’s The Voice.
“Not having music it’s like someone has taken the magic out of my life,” Parker said before the music started. “I’m ready to have magic again.”
She went on to place second on Adam Levine’s team. In 2013, she released her debut album “In and Out of the Dark.” In this video on our YouTube Channel, Katrina explains why she could not sing for two years.
Mold Terminator wants to make sure you are safe and healthy in your home and place of work. We serve the greater Memphis area, and will come onsite to provide a free assessment.
To learn more about Katrina, visit her official website,
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